Wednesday, December 12, 2018

How to win Finance Life

Many people does not know about finance so they cannot success for our finance life. Most of the people. most of the people work lifelong they not think anything am not tell this is wrong but dont do this. difference between rich and poor poor people want save money but rich people want invest money. Rich want learn new thing  But poor people think we know everything so they could not learn new one The more you learn the more you earn. most people biggest problem was not count money so don't know how much spend money.
                                                  Write your income and expense then only you know how much money spend your monthly identify what are the useless way spend money i want tell one small story if you apply the concept of story in your life surely you win life. Two wood cutters work in forest.first tree cutter man cut 12 trees of first day the cut 10 trees of second day. cut 9 trees of third day. but the first cutter work hard in 12 hours per day sincerely. finally the did not cut for single tree of whole day. But the second tree cutter man work for only six hours per in a day but he cut 12 trees of the day.first tree cutter man ask second wood cutter how to you cut lot trees in short time period please tell me. the men said i planned for my ax every 1 hours once.
                                           If you want do something please think before how to do and plan for that. Connect the story your personal financial life. people earn money but they could not invest money so they could not earn more money in our life. run for life employee in life long if you want successful in finance life read the book. the following book tell how to invest and how to earn money and lot rich  people don't afraid invest money but poor people save that money and they spend that money waste please invest money only 320 in this book change your life am tell sure. The book name
Rich Dad Poor Dad read the book surely change your financial life

How to win Finance Life

Many people does not know about finance so they cannot success for our finance life. Most of the people. most of the people work lifelon...